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How to Play Cat And Mouse

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How to Play Cat And Mouse
A Criminal vs Law Enforcement perspective

These are not exhaustive suggestions, but some tips or tricks you may want to consider employing if you want to play criminal for the long haul and not lose everything you own. Remember, everything you have (everything) is up for grabs.

  • Have a clean car and a dirty car: Players make huge mistakes driving around 1 of 1 imports and engaging in crime. While your vehicle may outperform police cars or elude a chase, imports have tons of paperwork and can be identified easily. Local vehicles, however, cannot be located as easy and require a lot more investigation to find. We cannot assume, for example, that just because you used a Banshee that every Banshee owner in the MDT is a suspect. Having a car you use only for criminal activity that isn't easy to identify would go a long way to not being found.

  • Keep criminal and non-criminal outfits separate. I see a lot of players who won't even bother changing their clothes let alone covering their faces when they commit crimes. Your clothing and description absolutely can get you arrested. Easily combined with other evidence, you'll find yourself jailed pretty easily.

  • Cover your face: This one is self explanatory but if you run around with face coverings everywhere, you're going to get stopped and frisked. You have to time your face covering use correctly.

  • Chases and shootouts mean you made a mistake and should not be considered "good rp": Chases and shootouts will carry massive penalties. Even if you get away, you'll likely be facing a warrant for your arrest unless you followed all the steps above. If you end up in a shoot out or a chase, its likely you made mistakes along the way. There are, however, going to be situations with higher level crimes where dealing with the police is going to be inevitable.

  • Don't expect safe passage and no spike-strips: When it comes to barricade situations with hostages, a very common and boring tactic is rushing a hostage scene and demanding police essentially let you go. While this works in NoPixel or other servers because the car chase is all anybody really wants, those tactics are not guarantees here. Police have multiple options to wait you out and if you decide to shoot hostages then you may face big consequences for doing so. It isn't to say trying to make demands isn't a viable tactic. It means that our police are under no obligation to accept.

  • Be creative: Think about methods on how you can stay off the radar, keep your name off police reports, and operate in the shadows. The place to exist is where police know you did something, and you know you did something, but no one can prove it. How you achieve that is up to you, but this strategy will keep game play interesting and everyone engaged.

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