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  2. Los Santos * Garbageman * Gruppa6 Security Service * Sandy Shore * Grapeseed * Paleto Bay *
  3. Info will be given only if approved from the President in the LS Chapter.
  4. Great Oceans Hwy & Procopio Dr Paleto Bay
  5. Donations All of our server staff work as volunteers to keep the server running, improving, and always a great place to be. Since we do run on a dedicated host and have some ongoing asset subscriptions, server upkeep can get pretty high on a monthly basis, not counting add new high-quality assets to continue improving on what we currently have in the city. We have a Tebex webstore for recurring subscriptions and one off packages to thank our donators for helping keeping the city alive financially. Additionally, donators are added to a private chat to help us roadmap future assets as well as get support on any rewards purchased. We want to be very clear, at no time do we plan to offer money, cars, or other in-game advantages to our webstore. While we know this is a fairly lucrative business model for FiveM servers, our focus is always RP and we don't believe that allowing people to purchase what others need to earn in game benefits the community or RP in general. Donated funds are allocated in the following order 1.) Server Hosting and Subscriptions 2.) Discord Boosting, Social Media Management, and other tools 3.) New Assets or dev compensation for large projects (FullSendActual is not included in this) If you would like to contribute to our city, use the link below and see what benefits you could get. If you have any ideas for more ways we could thank our donors, open a ticket in Discord.
  6. Bar Exam Below you will find three different scenarios and three sets of questions. Each set of questions corresponds only with the scenario immediately preceding it. Read the scenario, then answer the questions that follow. In some cases, a question may have more than one correct answer. If so, choose the best answer from the options provided. The questions and answers are based on the FullSend RP Penal Code and general rules of criminal procedure. Applicants should familiarize themselves with the Code prior to starting the Exam. Scenario A (Questions 1 - 6): John was arrested and charged with a drug-related offense(s). The police officer who arrested him, Officer Smith, claimed that he found a small bag of white powder in John's pocket during a routine search after pulling John over while driving. John's defense attorney argues that Officer Smith conducted an illegal search and seizure, and that the evidence should be suppressed. Additionally, John's attorney argues that even if the evidence is admissible, the prosecution has not met its burden of proof to establish that John had knowledge of the drugs. Questions: 1. What offense(s) could John have been charged with? a) Misdemeanor Drug Possession b) Felony Drug Possession c) DUI/DWI d) all of the above e) b and c 2. Is Officer Smith's search and seizure of John's pocket lawful? a) Yes, because Officer Smith had probable cause b) No, because John did not consent to the search c) No, because Officer Smith did not have a warrant or probable cause d) Yes, because Officer Smith had a reasonable belief that he or the public could be harmed 3. If the search is unlawful, can the evidence found in John's pocket be admitted in court? a) Yes, because the evidence was found during a routine search b) No, because the search was unlawful and violated John's Fourth Amendment rights c) It depends on the judge's discretion d) Yes, but only if John's attorney agrees to it 4. If the evidence is admissible, what standard of proof must the prosecution meet to establish John's guilt? a) Beyond a reasonable doubt b) Preponderance of the evidence c) Clear and convincing evidence d) Probable cause 5. Has the prosecution met its burden of proof in this case? a) Yes, because the evidence found in John's pocket proves his guilt b) No, because the defense has raised reasonable doubt about John's guilt c) It depends on the judge's opinion d) Yes, because John was arrested with drugs in his possession 6. If the evidence is suppressed, what is the likely outcome of the case? a) John will be found guilty and sentenced to jail b) The case will be dismissed c) The case will proceed to trial without the evidence d) John will be required to pay a fine Scenario B (Questions 7 - 11) Jane is the owner of a restaurant. One night just before closing, a masked person comes into the restaurant, hits Jane with a baseball bat, hits the cash register with a crowbar, steals the contents of the register, and flees the building. The masked person smashes the windows of the restaurant on the way out, causing extensive damage. 7. Which of the following offenses has the masked person committed? If multiple, choose the offense that also has the harshest penalty. a) Burglary b) Robbery c) Larceny d) Vandalism 8. Which of the following is an element of the crime of robbery? a) Taking property from another person b) Entering a building with the intent to commit a crime c) Using force or fear to take property d) Damaging property 9. Can the prosecution introduce evidence of the masked person's prior convictions for theft and assault? a) Yes, because the evidence is relevant to the current crime b) No, because the prior convictions are not relevant to the current crime c) It depends on whether the prior convictions are more than ten years old d) It depends on whether the prior convictions are for the same type of crime 10. Can the prosecution introduce evidence that the masked person was in possession of stolen property at the time of arrest? a) Yes, because the evidence shows that the masked person committed the robbery b) No, because the evidence is not relevant to the current crime c) It depends on whether the stolen property was taken from Jane's restaurant d) It depends on whether the evidence was obtained legally 11. Can the defense introduce evidence that the masked person was under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the time of the crime? a) Yes, because the evidence is relevant to the masked person's state of mind b) No, because the evidence is not relevant to the current crime c) It depends on whether the masked person was legally impaired at the time of the crime d) It depends on whether the defense can prove that the masked person was under the influence Scenario C (Questions 12 - 17): Duck, a skilled car mechanic, works at a high-end automotive repair shop. One day, he comes across a rare and valuable sports car belonging to a customer. Impressed by the car's performance and value, Duck hatches a plan to steal the car and sell it for a significant profit. He waits until the shop is closed, disables the security cameras, and hotwires the car. Duck successfully drives the stolen car out of the shop's garage and conceals it at a hidden location. Unbeknownst to Duck, the car's owner, Randy, happened to be nearby and saw the theft in progress. In a fit of rage and desperation, Randy confronts Duck at the hidden location where the car is concealed. A heated argument ensues, escalating into a physical altercation. During the struggle, Randy falls and hits his head on a hard surface, resulting in a fatal injury. Questions: 12. What offense(s) has Duck committed? a) Theft b) Grand theft auto c) Burglary d) b and c 13. Did Duck commit grand theft auto in this scenario? a) Yes, because he wrongfully obtained and took control of the car without the owner's permission b) No, because he is a mechanic and has access to customer vehicles c) Yes, because he disabled the security cameras during the theft d) None of the above 14. How can the defense attorney best represent Duck? a) Challenge the admissibility of any surveillance footage showing John's involvement b) Argue that Duck had legitimate access to the car as a mechanic and did not intend to permanently deprive the owner of it c) Investigate potential flaws, if any, in the investigation and collection of evidence d) All of the above 15. What offense, if any, has likely been committed in relation to Randy's death? a) Murder b) Vehicular Manslaughter c) Involuntary Manslaughter d) Assault 16. Did Duck have the intent to cause Randy’s death? a) Yes, he intended to kill Randy during the altercation b) No, he only intended to steal the car and did not foresee the fatal outcome c) Yes, he knew that his actions could lead to serious harm or death d) None of the above 17. If Duck is charged with the murder of Randy, how can his defense attorney best represent him in relation to the murder charge? a) Argue self-defense, claiming that Duck's actions were necessary to protect himself from Randy's aggression b) Pursue a plea bargain to a lesser offense such as involuntary manslaughter c) Advise his client to lie in his testimony d) a and b
  7. Gang , Organization , Family or Crew Gangs are not all about running around and shooting each other so please do not feel that every gang has to be hostile and cause problems, be original and creative. Initiate before shooting. You are expected to roleplay and use your words, even if “beef” occurs over social media, you are still expected to RP in person. Gang , Organization , Family or Crew Applications Establishing a gang must be done through the Gang Application, first and foremost. After you have applied it will be reviewed by the Gang Staff and the person who lists themself as the OG will be contacted with a verdict. The OG, as well as at least 5 other members, must be in the server for at least 15 days before an application will be considered and reviewed. If a Gang is already claimed, eg. ESB is already existing, but your group wants to be ESB. Consider approaching that group before establishing your own organization. Gang , Organization , Family or Crew Roster Each gang that has been whitelisted gives the names of their initial members upon application, as RP progresses and the gang expands, it is up to each gang to keep their roster updated and accurate with names. This is to ensure that new gangs coming in are here for RP and provide solid content and community within the city. During your 15 days before applying, we are looking to see you provide quality roleplay for the server, not stirring the pot with every gang in the server. Not providing quality roleplay during your 15 days will result in your gang application being denied. If you are applying as a gang please make your application exceptional and have a solid group with you. You must have a minimum of 5 members with you to apply. Gang Rules The Staff reserves the right at any point in time to suspend and or disband your gang should the rules broken be severe and or numerous enough, however, that is in the most extreme of cases and not our objective, target or goal. Your gang should be full of people you and your character trusts fully to make the correct decisions on the server and follow the rules. This leaves the fate of your gang in your hands, not ours. Gang Identification Official Gangs must be repping their colors during war. Clearly, and visibly identifiable from a distance. When you are at war, your entire set is at war, regardless if they want to be included in it or not. The only way around this is if there is a term set in the conditions that exclude any members wearing specific different attire. However- if that is a term and for example someone who is chosen blacked out on either side decides to instigate and cause issues, they are fair game to be included in any open hostilities or violence from then on. Intentionally using this to break the 5-man or set number in terms will result in punishment. War War should be the last option if all other viable RP routes have been taken to end things civilly, there should be good reasoning behind the decision to go to war, and poor reasoning, such as “One Vago cut in front of my food order and now I want their turf as revenge” as an example would be rejected and told to go RP more for solid reasoning- unless, for whatever reason, both sides agree to go to war, over that. No hospital camping to rub salt in the wounds if you win or lose a fight. Let the opposing side heal and patch up. You wouldn’t be having a gang rave in a hospital lobby. Beefing There is a difference between intent to war and “beef” between gangs, groups, collections etc. Some groups will inherently have disrespects, issues and on-going problems with each other eg. ESB and GSF through either pre existing lore or in-city developments. Not every group is looking for hostile interactions to end in a shootout. Read the room of the situation and react accordingly. Even at the end of a war, “beef” can continue, “beef” can also escalate into a war if it becomes hostile and violent enough. Baiting “beef” can be considered low quality roleplay. Third Party YARP leaves the responsibility of punishment for gang member offenses to gang leadership, if issues continue FSRP will step in to resolve. If you are applying as a gang please make your application exceptional and have a solid group with you. You must have a minimum of 5 members with you to apply. If there is an active war for an objective eg. Oxy between Vagos and the LMC, no other group/collective can interject and try to third party one of the groups in active war to be opportunistic and take the objective for themselves on the sly. Alt Accounts Characters that you haven't played in months/benched alts- you cannot just make them randomly know all about a gang and join immediately- this would be considered powergaming or Fail RP. Only one gang affiliated character is allowed per person. There needs to be proper roleplay to have these characters be aware of what is happening and these characters will need to follow the same format of new characters that join the city. The above counts for groups in an existing war. Outside of wartimes, people may join freely through RP and discovery as per normal. Turf Turf is an all encompassing term to describe the foothold of a gang, group or other collective where they typically live, or control an objective. A Gang owned businesses may not revoke access to their business if they are the only business of that category. i.e.: The lost owns the only Ammonation they cannot restrict rival gangs from buying there. Turf Safe Areas Pillbox Medical, ST Fiacre Hospital,Central Los Santos Medical Center , Sandy Shores Medical and The Bay Care Medical Center (Paleto Bay) Turf- KoS If you are in a war and the opposing group Gang , Organization , Family or Crew comes into your turf- Kill on Sight becomes fair game- however, you should always prioritize RP at all times, as KoS isn’t particularly engaging nor provides RP. This can also be negated through terms if there is a war and both sides do not wish for KoS to take place. Turf and Fights These areas are controlled by that one particular gang, meaning that they have the ability to dictate who they see fit to be entering it during war time and may defend their own turf with as many members as they have available, not needing to adhere to the 5-man standard rule, unless specified otherwise in terms. If you initiate on a gang's turf, bait the fight, and leave the area, the gang can push everyone that was initiated on. To be able to go to war with another group- you do have to have your own turf prior to engaging for anyone else's or fighting over an objective. This ensures that there is risk and reward on both sides if a war is waged, rather than one side risking their home/turf when the other side has nothing. Your fight should not bleed too far out of either side's turf. Try not to have open warfare out the front of Pillbox Medical, ST Fiacre Hospital,Central Los Santos Medical Center , Sandy Shores Medical and The Bay Care Medical Center (Paleto Bay). If it bleeds there, try your best to bring it back to where it should belong so it limits the possibilities for innocents to be caught up in the crossfire, and limiting outside interference. No “endless wars” of “when someone gives up.” There needs to be an end. Expectations The expectations in RP for everyone who reps a set in YARP is lifted drastically as well as moving control over what happens to your gang more in the hands of the OGs themselves. RP overall needs to be solid. Gang members direct the flow of hostile RP on the server almost entirely, aside from a few rogue crazy civs. The reasons behind the actions you choose need to be solid. We do not want to see any more all out wars over someone accidentally bumping into another person's car for example. Expectations - Initiations Initiation especially needs to be increased in quality. If you are actively in a war with someone and spinning them, and setting up the fights, that’s when things like drive-by shootings in the air to initiate, and circling the block, etc. are acceptable. If it is the beginning of the beef, the story and sides are still developing and there is no need to act extreme.
  8. Paleto Blvd & Great Ocean Hwy Paleto Bay
  9. Skull1818

    Davis PD

    Innocence Blvd & Davis Ave Davis
  10. Mechanic Shop Signal St & Voodoo Place
  11. Skull1818


    Goma St & Bay City Ave La Puerta
  12. Olympic Fwy & Popular St La Mesa
  13. Earlier
  14. GTA5/FiveM RP, better known as Role-play, has been exploding throughout the online community of Grand Theft Auto. This mod owes a lot thanks to twitch streamers, who are the leading reason for its rising popularity as the numbers continue to grow daily. One must know a lot before jumping into the world of RP, so it’s best to understand what lies ahead of you so you start on the right foot and follow the rules. Look no further, as this beginner’s guide will give you a complete breakdown of everything you need to know. How Do I Access FiveM? Accessing FiveM server is as easy as installing it to your computer. Downloading this platform will give you access to all the available servers for RP. Below are the steps to get it up and running: Disable any antivirus before you download FiveM, as these could block your chance to successfully install. Add FiveM to your antivirus exclusion list after installation. Download and run FiveM from your start menu. Creating a Character for RP The best part about role-playing GTA5/FiveM RP is that you can create a real sense of self from the ground up. Before you do anything, developing a backstory for your character is highly recommended, and you can do this by directly posting on tons of online servers. It’s important to note that other players will be able to see your back story, so make sure to create one you wouldn’t mind others seeing. Important Rules Follow similar guidelines regarding rules to follow. First, power gaming is a big one. In short, it is described as “doing an action that is unrealistic or forcing a player to do a certain action.” For example, say a player initiates a command that results in shooting another player, and the player being shot at responds with a command saying, “dodged all the bullets.” It is unrealistic and not allowed in the online community, so follow accordingly. The next rule is called meta-gaming. Basically, when you are on, you are not allowed to speak to other players in a way that is considered out of character when it comes to your backstory. You are only permitted to know information that your character would know in-game, and it is essential not to acknowledge real-world details. For example, if you hear on Discord something going on at a certain point on the map, you can’t mention anything in-game unless you are actually at that location. Speaking out of character destroys the role-playing feel and isn’t allowed. Follow the rules and have a great time.
  15. How to Play Cat And Mouse A Criminal vs Law Enforcement perspective These are not exhaustive suggestions, but some tips or tricks you may want to consider employing if you want to play criminal for the long haul and not lose everything you own. Remember, everything you have (everything) is up for grabs. Have a clean car and a dirty car: Players make huge mistakes driving around 1 of 1 imports and engaging in crime. While your vehicle may outperform police cars or elude a chase, imports have tons of paperwork and can be identified easily. Local vehicles, however, cannot be located as easy and require a lot more investigation to find. We cannot assume, for example, that just because you used a Banshee that every Banshee owner in the MDT is a suspect. Having a car you use only for criminal activity that isn't easy to identify would go a long way to not being found. Keep criminal and non-criminal outfits separate. I see a lot of players who won't even bother changing their clothes let alone covering their faces when they commit crimes. Your clothing and description absolutely can get you arrested. Easily combined with other evidence, you'll find yourself jailed pretty easily. Cover your face: This one is self explanatory but if you run around with face coverings everywhere, you're going to get stopped and frisked. You have to time your face covering use correctly. Chases and shootouts mean you made a mistake and should not be considered "good rp": Chases and shootouts will carry massive penalties. Even if you get away, you'll likely be facing a warrant for your arrest unless you followed all the steps above. If you end up in a shoot out or a chase, its likely you made mistakes along the way. There are, however, going to be situations with higher level crimes where dealing with the police is going to be inevitable. Don't expect safe passage and no spike-strips: When it comes to barricade situations with hostages, a very common and boring tactic is rushing a hostage scene and demanding police essentially let you go. While this works in NoPixel or other servers because the car chase is all anybody really wants, those tactics are not guarantees here. Police have multiple options to wait you out and if you decide to shoot hostages then you may face big consequences for doing so. It isn't to say trying to make demands isn't a viable tactic. It means that our police are under no obligation to accept. Be creative: Think about methods on how you can stay off the radar, keep your name off police reports, and operate in the shadows. The place to exist is where police know you did something, and you know you did something, but no one can prove it. How you achieve that is up to you, but this strategy will keep game play interesting and everyone engaged.
  16. Soony Badman Attorney At Law (Sandy Shore) Sandy Shore Shopping Plaza
  17. Soony Badman Attorney At Law (Davis) Davis Ave & Innocence Blvd Davis
  18. Paleto Bay Car Dealership Great Ocean Hwy Paleto Bay
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